Maura Dooley is one of three siblings who write and publish poetry. Her brothers are Terence and Tim Dooley.

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Terence Dooley is a prolific translator of contemporary Spanish poetry whose recent work includes Eduardo Moga’s anthology of Spanish Poets in London, Streets Where to Walk Is to Embark, Moga's Selected Poems, Mariano Peyrou’s The Year of the Crab, the anthology Ten Contemporary Spanish Women poets and Sur(rendering) Mario Martín Gigón. His translations have received the Poetry Book Society Translation Choice on three occasions. His own poems have been widely published in magazines and journals and were collected into a pamphlet The Why of It (Argent Press) his Selected Poems, Tocoloro, came out in a bilingual English/Spanish edition from Los Papeles de Brighton, and is available through Amazon. His latest translations, Affordable Angst by Mercedes Cebrian, The Enchanted Isles  and also Awaking Demons by Daniel Samoilovich and Master of Distances by Jordi Doce are published by Shearsman Books.

Tim Dooley was reviews and features editor of Poetry London between 2008 and 2018. He is a tutor for The Poetry School and, till recently, tutored the Writing in the City MA at the University of Westminster. In 2019 and 2020 he was one of the judges of the John Pollard poetry prize at Trinity College, Dublin. His collections include Keeping Time (Salt, 2008) and Weemoed (Eyewear, 2017), both Poetry Book Society Recommendations, Discoveries (Two Rivers Press, 2022) and his translations of Phillipe Jaccottet, In Winter Light (Two Rivers Press, 2023).

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